Several centers and divisions within the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology host research seminars, lectures and other events to which faculty, trainees and students from across the department and School of Medicine are invited. Researchers may share works in progress, learn about updates on funding sources and publication standards, review publications and more.
Basic science research: CRepHS Seminar Series
Once a week during the academic year, the Center for Reproductive Health Sciences (CRepHS) invites postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows, junior faculty and students to present their research work in progress during a weekly research seminar. This is an informal meeting, and questions and advice are encouraged.
Several times a year, this seminar time is reserved for our visiting research professorship, at which national and international experts in the reproductive and GU tract health fields from within and outside WashU will speak.
Clinical research: Annual Applied Epidemiology Seminar
Targeted at clinical fellows, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty in the ob/gyn department, the Annual Applied Epidemiology Seminar is organized by the Division of Clinical Research.
The goal of the seminar is to review principles of study design and data analysis, offer hands-on introduction to data analysis and introduce participants to departmental processes and resources for clinical research. It includes didactics and hands-on sessions on study design, data analysis and critical review of publications. Seminar materials include the Handbook of Essential Concepts in Clinical Research by Schulz and Grimes as well as publications by faculty and trainees.
Residency program: Rothman Research Day
The David Rothman Resident Research Day is held annually each spring. All residents are invited to present at the research day, though participation is required just once to complete the residency.
Grand rounds
The department’s grand rounds are held weekly during the academic year. Topics include research as well as clinical and historical aspects of the field.
Division seminars
Many divisions in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology host research seminars for members of the division. Please contact a division of interest for more information about seminars they host.