We are extremely proud of our faculty, fellows, and residents presenting this week at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM)!

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Oral Presentation

Thursday, January 30, 2025 WashU Primary & Co-Authors Project Title
9:15 AM Antonina I. Frolova Prediction of severely small-for-gestational-age infants using a novel cell-free RNA model
3:15 PM Ishana Shetty; Mark C. Valentine; Jennifer Reeves; David L. Eisenberg Severe maternal morbidity differences by state Medicaid expansion and abortion coverage:
national database analysis, 2014-2022
Oral Concurrent Session
3:45 PM Emily Dively, Peinan Zhao Fully Quantitative Cervical Remodeling: Inter-pregnancy interval shows differences in
biomechanical characteristics of the cervix
  Friday, January 31, 2025  
2:00 PM Emily Dively, Peinan Zhao Fully Quantitative Cervical Remodeling: Inter-pregnancy interval shows differences in
biomechanical characteristics of the cervix

Poster Presentations

Thursday, January 30, 2025
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
WashU Primary & Co-AuthorsProject Title

Erin K. Johnson, Drew M. Hensel, Rachel Paul, Adia
Woodson, Jeannie C. Kelly, Antonina I. Frolova, Nandini
Nationwide Nursing Perspectives Survey on
Intrapartum Maternal Position Changes
199Nandini Raghuraman, Antonina I. Frolova, Megan L. Lawlor,
Jeannie C. Kelly
Buprenorphine Treatment for Maternal Opioid Use
Disorder: Differences between High and Low Retention
242Julia Whitley, Julia Burd,
Bree A. Goodman, Antonina I. Frolova, Jeannie C. Kelly, Roxane Rampersad, Nandini Raghuraman
Stage 1 Hypertension Before 20 Weeks of Gestation is
Associated with Postpartum Anti-Hypertensive Use
380Sarah EnglandGlycoprotein Olfactomedin 4 is Preferentially
Expressed in Cervical Epithelia of Patients with Preterm
381Sarah EnglandBeta-Defensin is Preferentially Expressed in Cervical
Epithelia of Patients with Preterm Birth
January 30, 2025

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
386Candice Woolfolk, Emily Dively, Nandini Raghuraman, Jeannie C. KellyNeighborhood Deprivation Impacted COVID-19
Vaccination and Infection Rates Among Pregnant Patients
439Bridget C. Huysman, Candice WoolfolkBirth Experiences of Discrimination on Labor and
509James D. Doss, Elise Requadt, Claire Novack, Dong Wang,
Antonina I. Frolova, Jeannie C. Kelly, Nandini Raghuraman
Elective Inductions of Labor at 39 Weeks versus
Expectant Management in Multiparous Patients
529Julia Burd, Brianna Bradley, Lori Atwood, Nicole McCandless, Paige Wilder, Cookie Van, Jeannie C. Kelly, Antonina I. Frolova, Nandini RaghuramanIs There a Role for Maternal Oxygen for Fetal
Resuscitation in High Risk Gestations?
536Katie Brow, Nandini Raghuraman, Candice
Woolfolk, Sydney M. Thayer,
Jeannie C. Kelly, Antonina I.
Frolova, Julia Burd
Epidural Placement Early in Cervical Ripening: is
There a Negative Impact?
561McKenzie Barber,
Nandini Raghuraman, Katherine Bligard, Jeannie C. Kelly, Antonina I. Frolova
Effect of Oxytocin Rest on Labor Outcomes and
Uterine Contractility During Induction of Labor
576Ngantu Le, Megan L. Lawlor, Jeannie C. Kelly, Sarah K.
England, Antonina I. Frolova, Nandini Raghuraman, Peinan
Dietary Risk Factors for Excess Weight Gain in
600Raina A. Meka, Nandini Raghuraman, Jeannie C. Kelly, Katherine H. Bligard, Antonina I. FrolovaPrepregnancy or Delivery BMI? Identifying the
Better Predictor of Adverse Outcomes
644Suzanne O’Nan, Julia Burd, Nandini Raghuraman, Antonina
I. Frolova, Michael Dombrowski, Roxane Rampersad, Jeannie
C. Kelly
Diagnostic rate of Pulmonary Embolism during
Pregnancy: An update on VQ vs CT
Friday, January 31, 2025
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
713Nardhy Gomez-LopezFetal Sex Influences the Maternal Plasma Proteome
in Sars-Cov-2 Including Anti-Viral Response
860Peinan Zhao, Emily DivelyLeveraging Deep Neural Networks of Transvaginal
Cervical Characteristics to Predict Delivery Timing
920Shannon E. Beermann, Nandini Raghuraman, Bridget
Huysman, Jeannie C. Kelly, Antonina I. Frolova, Candice
The Impact of Pre-Pregnancy Anxiety Or Depression
and Adverse Neonatal Outcomes
Friday, January 31, 2025

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
WashU Primary & Co-AuthorsProject Title
948Abigail Bell, Megan Foeller, Candice Woolfolk, Emily Dively,
Fan Zhang, Nandini Raghuraman, Jeannie C. Kelly
Neighborhood Deprivation Associated with
Extremely Preterm Birth during COVID-19 Pandemic
980Bridget C. Huysman, Loren Adler, Sarah Cohen, Candice
Woolfolk, Sarah K. England, Antonina I. Frolova, Jeannie C.
Kelly, Nandini Raghuraman, Peinan Zhao
Comparison of Various Community Level Social
Indices and their Associations with Adverse Pregnancy
986Cassandra Trammel, Vahid Azimi, Bridgit Crews, Stephen
Roper, Nandini Raghuraman, Antonina I. Frolova, Megan L.
Lawlor, Hayley Friedman, Jeannie C. Kelly
Prenatal Characteristics Predictive of Xylazine
Positivity: Who is being Exposed?
987Cassandra Trammel, Vahid Azimi, Bridgit Crews, Stephen
Roper, Nandini Raghuraman, Antonina I. Frolova, Hayley
Friedman, Megan L. Lawlor, Jeannie C. Kelly
Fentanyl Exposure in the Era of Xylazine: an Update
on Perinatal Outcomes
1061Jocelyn Reckford, Nandini Raghuraman, Antonina I. Frolova, Amanda C. Zofkie, Sherri Jackson, Katherine H. Bligard, Jeannie C. KellyHow does Needing an Interpreter Affect Outcomes
among Primarily Non-English Speaking Patients?
1119Antonina FrolovaProspective Validation of USPSTF Guidelines for
Preeclampsia Prediction and Clinician Compliance with
Aspirin Recommendations
1225Zichao Wen, Hui Wan, Hansong Gao, Yuelin Li, Yuan Nan,
Josephine Lau, Yong Wang
Uterine Electrical Activity in Labor: EMMI Insights
on Contraction “Pacemakers”