
Join 8Ways to Wellness Walk Challenge

8ight Ways to Wellness is the framework that guides all of the programs and resources offered through WashU Human Resources Employee Well-Being. This challenge is an opportunity to learn about these evidence-based strategies to improve your overall wellbeing and reduce your risk of disease. Developed by WashU faculty, Dr. Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH, the 8ight Ways helps employees understand simple ways to live a healthy life. It’s for WashU, from WashU.

Physical Activity: Earn points for recording at least 4,000 steps. Log steps manually or connect an activity tracker on your Settings page. Use the Step Converter to record activities not accurately measured with a tracking device, such as swimming, cycling, rowing, etc.

If you didn’t participate in the last wellness challenge, then you’ll want to register on the WashU Wellness Launchpad first:

Select “Opt-in” to the 8ight Ways to Wellness challenge. Remember your mobile password if you use the 8ight Ways to Wellness app to log your progress!

This 6-week challenge starts on March 25 and ends on May 5. Program details are available here:

We created a team for any interested ObGyn participants, if you would like to join it is called: School of Walk ObGyn