Brittany Bullens is a Scheduling and Billing Associate II and has been with us since April 2022. Her favorite part about her job is “selling” something she believes in. “The standard at Wash U is clearly excellent, so I enjoy being able to tell patients about how our physicians are involved in so many different areas (research, teaching, patient care, working at different clinics, etc) and how they are going to receive excellent care. I love being able to provide the hope that they are finally going to be listened to and be able to work with their provider to find solutions for them. I also enjoy every single one of the people I get to work with. In General OBGYN scheduling, I work on an incredible team of supportive, fun, hardworking people and it makes my job so enjoyable!”
“The standard at Wash U is clearly excellent, so I enjoy being able to tell patients about how our physicians are involved in so many different areas (research, teaching, patient care, working at different clinics, etc) and how they are going to receive excellent care.
Brittany Bullens

What do you do outside of work? family? hobbies?
My favorite thing to do is share experiences with the people I love. It doesn’t matter to me what we’re doing as long as we’re doing something together! I also love all things outdoors, especially if water is involved and I enjoy a lot of creative endeavors like painting, decorating, refinishing furniture, crocheting, and things like that.
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Lexington, Kentucky, and grew up in Battle Creek, Michigan
What’s something that most people don’t know about you?
I have moved over 35 times so I’m basically a professional at this point and I hate the color purple unless it’s lavender.
Name some things you’d take to a deserted island.
My sweet little angel muffin cat Louie, creme brulee, and my favorite fiction author: Lisa Jewell
What is the best advice you’ve received and who was it from?
Perfectionism is a fool’s errand but developing a standard of “that is good enough” and being able to believe it instead of needing plans or projects or people to be perfect is how you cultivate balance and contentment in your life. I read that in a book at some point but unfortunately cannot credit the author.