Ken Zimmerman Jr. is one of the Residency/Fellowship Program Administrators!
Helping the Fellows achieve their educational and professional goals by assisting or completing administrative processes necessary for their Fellowship.
Ken Zimmerman Jr
What do you do outside of work? family? hobbies?
I have taught martial arts: Taekwondo, Judo and Cane Self-Defense for twenty years. In addition to my three children, I have trained fourteen nieces and nephews along with two great nephews. My grandson and great niece will start training soon.
What’s something that most people don’t know about you?
I am part of a blended family. I grew up with seven sisters. Mom and Dad (our stepfather) had eight children, twenty-eight grandchildren, eighteen great grandchildren, four great-great grandchildren and counting. We normally have a new addition to the family every 18 months to 2 years.
Name some things you’d take to a deserted island.
My Cane, a copy of the Brothers Karamazov and a picture of my grandsons.
What is the best advice you’ve received and who was it from?
“Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.” – my maternal grandfather, Gilbert P. Ellis.