Emma Altieri, MD
Undergraduate School: Washington University in St. Louis
Medical School: University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
PubMed name(s): Emma J. Altieri
Why did you choose WashU for your residency?
I chose WashU because it offers everything I was looking for in a residency training program: a diverse, high-acuity patient population, institutional emphasis on scientific research and medical student teaching, and compassionate, intelligent faculty eager to engage with resident physicians. After completing my away rotation, I knew that WashU would both adequately support and push me to become an excellent obstetrician-gynecologist.
What are you looking forward to the most by being a resident here at WashU?
Two things – my co-residents, and learning! I am thrilled to officially begin my OB/GYN training and develop my skills as a patient advocate, clinician, and surgeon. I feel very fortunate to train within a community of kind, driven individuals who tirelessly support each other through this process.
What are your research interests?
Medical education, maternal morbidity and mortality, cardiovascular disease during pregnancy
Awards & Honors
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
Hometown: Berkeley, CA
Pronouns: she/her/hers
What do you do outside of work?
I love being active! Evening walks, Pickleball, HIIT workouts, Peloton, yoga – these are the things that keep me well. On the weekend, my partner and I like to visit the farmer’s market in Tower Grove park, explore new coffee shops, and go to Clementine’s (the best ice cream).
We know it’s early, but do you have any fellowship plans for after residency?
Undecided! While very likely that I will pursue a fellowship, I think I would also be happy as an academic generalist.