Throughout his career, Matthew Powell, MD, has leveraged his own professional standing to advance others’ careers through direct one-on-one mentorship and sponsorship, providing opportunities, expanding networks and nominating protégées for awards and promotions. Since joining our faculty in 2002, Powell has helped train over 35 gynecologic oncology fellows, including 14 who benefited from his leadership as the gynecologic oncology fellowship director from 2008-2017. He is best known for his exceptional surgical and clinical skills and knowledge that he shares in the operating room, in the clinic and in advancing clinical trials. Thanks to Powell’s unconditional support as division chief of gynecologic oncology from 2015-2024, faculty whom he has mentored have contributed over 125 unique peer-reviewed articles, received 43 research grant awards and six teaching awards, and serve on 21 national and 18 institutional committees. Powell’s influence as a mentor and sponsor extends beyond WashU Medicine to the subspecialty of gynecologic oncology and in the broader specialty of obstetrics and gynecology. A testament to his abilities is that each one of his mentees and protégées continues to pay this commitment to mentorship and sponsorship forward.
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