Left to right: Kim Snyder, REI Clinical Nurse; Tori Whelan, Assistant Professor; Bridget Huysman, MFM Fellow; Dineo Khabele, Dept Chair; LaShanda Jackson, W&I Women’s Health Educator and Outreach Coordinator; Darius Whitaker, IDEA2s Program Manager; and Bisiayo Fashemi, Research Associate (not pictured)
On November 4, 2023 the Department of OBGYN at Washington University in St. Louis joined the First Ladies of St. Louis at their 3rd Annual Health Equity Seminar at Greater Grace Church in Ferguson, MO. Over 300 plus attendees in person and via Zoom heard vital information on mental health and self-care, prostate cancer and men’s health, women’s health and more. Dept chair, Dr. Khabele was a keynote speaker and volunteers from the department gave away goodies, provided information on women’s health, and assisted with screenings. Free, lifesaving screenings and vaccines were provided: breast, prostate and colorectal cancer screenings, mammograms, healthy heart and diabetes screenings (blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose), flu vaccinations, and COVID-19 boosters.