Two new trainees recently began their fellowships through the Department of Ob/Gyn’s T32 training grant titled, “Clinical Outcomes Research Training in Female Lower Urinary Tract Disorders,” led by Co-Principal Investigators Jerry Lowder, MD, MSc, and Siobhan Sutcliffe, PhD, and funded through the NIH NIDDK.
Dr. Victoria Leigh Brown received her PhD in Anthropology from Binghamton University. Her dissertation focused on the lived experiences of female farm workers and economic precarity in an industrial agricultural enclave of Almería, Spain. She is looking forward to applying her anthropological expertise to topics in women’s lower urinary tract health.
Dr. Samantha Zambuto received her PhD in Bioengineering from
the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign. Her dissertation focused on the role of stress in trophoblast invasion and endometrial function, using 3D in vitro model systems. She joined the Oyen Lab at the McKelvey School of Engineering in August.
Drs. Brown and Zambuto join T32 trainee Emily Barker, MD, who is completing her second year on the grant.