The WashU Gynecologic Oncology Tissue Bank just celebrated collecting its 100th tissue sample for bench-to-bedside research endeavors. Along with this notable achievement in specimen collection, the labs of Drs. Dineo Khabele and Maggie Mullen with the Center for Reproductive Health Sciences (CRepHS) and the Division of Gynecologic Oncology (GynOnc) have instituted a newly organized process for collecting and managing samples, and are developing research on patient-derived organoids. Dr. Maggie Mullen also has become a first-time senior author on a high-impact paper on ovarian cancer with first author Amanda Compadre, MD.
“We couldn’t have done it without the hard work and dedication of our fellows, residents, lab scientists and technicians, physicians, nurses, and administrative staff. There are amazing things happening here in the field of clinical cancer research!”
Dineo Khabele, MD
Learn more about our research cores and biobanks at https://reproductivesciences.wustl.edu/research-cores/.