WashU Medicine and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology provide many resources to support investigators in basic science, clinical, and translational research.

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Funding sources and assistance

Funding Opportunities
Provides a curated list of funding opportunities relevant to researchers in OBGYN. If you are in OBGYN and would like more information for any of the opportunities listed, please contact our Senior Scientific Editor.
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Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS)
Supports several internal grant funding programs promoting research in clinical and/or translational science.
ICTS website »

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR)
Provides a number of sources that identify and manage new funding opportunities available to WashU researchers. Researchers may also sign up for customized funding alerts.
OVCR website »

Core facilities and biobanks

Imaging Core
Provides a list of available microscopy systems in the OBGYN Department.
Visit imaging core site

Gynecologic Oncology Tissue Bank (GOTB)
Provides human biological specimens to support cancer research, as well as lab support for clinical trials and academic research.
GOTB information »

Tissue Histology Core
Includes a slate of microtome, cryostats, embedding center, oven, tissue processor, microscope, hood, chemical cabinets, a nanozoomer microscope, H&E staining station, and a full time histology technician. Also has full capacity to process and analyze human and mouse tissues.
Tissue Histology Core information »

Women’s Genitourinary Tract Specimen Consortium (WGUTSC)
Provides investigators access to genitourinary tract samples, including endometrial samples, fibroids, vaginal swabs and urine, from non-pregnant women from different age groups.
WGUTC information »

Women and Infants’ Health Specimen Consortium (WIHSC)
Pools resources across patient clinics to provide researchers unique access to pregnancy-related biospecimens and data collected over months and even years of care. In addition to providing banked samples, WIHSC can fulfill custom specimen requests.
WIHSC website » 

Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb)
Helps investigators annotate genes of interest with respect to known drug-gene interactions and potential druggability. Developed at The McDonnell Genome Institute at WashU Medicine.
DGIdb database »

Siteman Cancer Center Tissue Procurement Core (TPC)
Assists cancer researchers in the collection, storage, quality assurance and scientific utilization/impact of biospecimens collected from cancer patients and study participants, in order to better understand the molecular and genomic basis of cancer.
TPC information »

Clinical research facilities and support

Our department’s Division of Clinical Research (DCR) provides comprehensive support services for investigators.

Patient recruitment, regulatory/IRB preparation, project management, data management and analysis, flowchart templates and more.
Clinical research services »

Extensive state-of-the-art facilities and equipment allow researchers and patients to complete the research process in one location. Facilities in the so-called DCR dorm include exam and intake rooms, a CLIA-certified lab, storage, workspaces and conference rooms.
Clinical research facility »