Awards & Recognition News

Rothman Research Day Awards & Resident Graduation 2022

Our Rothman Research Symposium is comprised of 2 half days where our residents, fellows, and basic science trainees present their OBGYN related research projects which they have diligently worked for a long time. These presentations are evaluated by a distinguished panel of our own select faculty and guest speaker. We will be presenting the 1st place award in 3 different categories: residency, fellowship, and basic science.

Resident Awardee – Bridget Huysman
Fellowship Awardee – Kathy Bligard
Basic Science Award – Kevin Prifti & Favour Akinjiyan

Highest CREOG Score

Annually, our residents take a national standardized exam that we fondly refer to as “CREOGs.” We like to honor the resident amongst all classes who received the highest score.

Elizabeth Buckley

Chief Resident Teacher of the Year

We give an award to the chief resident who has the overall highest rating of being an effective teacher to our WashU medical students from this past year.

Susie Koch

Kody Kunda Resident Teaching

Kody Kunda is a former alumn of our residency program in generalist private practice in Texas who wanted excellent resident teaching to be honored. This award is voted upon by all residents.

Bridget Huysman

ASCCP Resident Award

The ASCCP organization is focused on improving lives through the prevention and treatment of HPV related diseases. This award was created to honor a 3rd year resident in OBGYN who has shown outstanding research, academic, or clinical potential.

Whitney Grither

Ryan Resident Award

The Ryan Program is dedicated to OBGYN residency abortion and family planning training. This award honors a resident who is recognized for their continued dedication to complex family planning.

Allie Rubin

SASGOG Resident Award

SASGOG is an organization dedicated to the work of academic generalist OBGYNs. This award is given to recognize a 3rd or 4th year resident who has distinguished themselves in the practice of general OBGYN.

Maneula Mejia

SGO Outstanding Resident

The Society of Gyn Oncology recognizes a single resident at each program who best exemplifies the qualities of the SGO’s mission and vision. This award is given to a 2nd year resident.

Basia Blachut

AAGL Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology

Recognizes a resident who demonstrates leadership qualities and an exceptional commitment to empowering progress in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery. This award goes to a 3rd and 4th year resident.

LuLu Yu
Tamara Cameo

SLS Outstanding MIGS Resident

The Society of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeons gives an award to a resident surgeon from each program who demonstrates excellence in minimally invasive gynecology.

Alison Kosmacki

SMFM Resident Award

The Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine awards a single resident for their excellence in OB care and who shares the vision to improve pregnancy and perinatal outcomes.

Drew Hensel

Fellow Teacher of the Year Award

This award is dedicated to a graduating fellow across our 5 fellowships whom the residents awarded as the best fellow teacher.

Emily Freeman

SASGOG Faculty Award

The Society for Academic Generalists recognizes generalist OBGYN committed to excellence in clinical care of women and the career development of academic specialists.

Denise Willers

CREOG National Award for Excellence in Resident Education

The Council on Residency Education awards a faculty member from each program for excellence in teaching residents.

Scott Biest

Support Staff Award

Marina Jacobs
BJC Nurse Coordinator, Gyn Oncology

Community Faculty Award

Bridget Rutledge
West End OBGYN, BJC Medical Group

Where are they headed?

  • Jean-Claire “Mandi” Dillon, MD
    Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, REI
  • Bridget Huysman, MD
    Washington University, St. Louis, MFM
  • Elizabeth Johns, MD
    Emory University, Atlanta, Advanced Pelvic Surgery
  • Susannah “Susie” Koch, MD
    Barnes Jewish OBGYN at Shiloh, Generalist
  • Tyler McKinnish, MD
    Washington University, St. Louis, GynOnc
  • Manuela Mejia, MD
    Affinia Healthcare, St. Louis, Generalist
  • Xiao Wang, MD
    The Ohio State University, Columbus, MFM
  • Virginia Watkins, MD
    Duke University, Durham, MFM
  • Lulu Yu, MD
    Northwestern University, Chicago, MIGS