After planning this transition for the past year, we are excited to formally announce that Dr. Shelby Dickison will assume the role of Residency Program Director starting on June 1, 2022.
Since joining the residency leadership team in 2019 as Associate Program Director, Dr. Dickison has been instrumental in the continued advancement of the program. In particular, she led a total revision of our didactic curriculum in 2020, improving the diversity of both our curricular topics and methods of assessment. Over the past year, she has been closely involved in all the major aspects of the program, including ACGME requirements, budgeting, resident evaluation, and recruitment. She is poised for success, and the department is excited to welcome her into this new role.

Shelby M. Dickison, MD
Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn
Program Director, Residency

Eric A. Strand, MD
Professor, Ob/Gyn
Associate Program Director, Residency
Division: General Obstetrics & Gynecology
Admin; Brenda Sellers

Sharman Russell, MD
Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn
Laborist, L&D
Associate Program Director, Residency
Admin; Erin Moore
With Dr. Dickison as the Program Director, Dr. Eric Strand will transition to the role of Associate Program Director. The program also welcomes Dr. Sharman Russell (Laborist) as the second Associate Program Director. This new leadership structure will provide additional support for the program and will allow for each of our educational leaders to focus on specific aspects: Dr. Dickison on curricular design, Dr. Strand on resident evaluation and feedback, and Dr. Russell on mentorship.
This transition will also allow Dr. Strand to focus additional time on the continued development and growth of our Division of General Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Please join us in thanking Dr. Strand for his service and in congratulating Dr. Dickison and Dr. Russell as they officially assume their new roles!