Dr. Adriana Nigaglioni was a resident reporter for MO ACOG District VII at the National ACOG Meeting! Here, she met other residents across the United States and met with OBGYN leaders.
Dr. Nigaglioni Named Resident Reporter

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Dr. Adriana Nigaglioni was a resident reporter for MO ACOG District VII at the National ACOG Meeting! Here, she met other residents across the United States and met with OBGYN leaders.
Our Graduates Awards Dr. David Rothman Research Project The Rothman Research Symposium is a day where trainees present their OBGYN-related research projects. These presentations are evaluated by a distinguished panel of our own select faculty and guest speaker. Resident Winner: Melissa Cantave Topic: Examining the impact of a safety net minimally invasive gynecology surgery clinic Fellow […]
New residents gathered to meet other residents, faculty, and the residency team over the weekend to start their first week as WashU ObGyn interns! We are so excited to have you all join us.
Incoming intern, April Lewis, MD, was honored by her medical school for her work in the community.
✨ We are absolutely thrilled to welcome this new intern class of 2028! ✨ India Claflin – Creighton University SOM Symphony Davis – Morehouse SOM Andy Habib – Georgetown University SOM Anna Jones – U of Alabama at Birmingham Marnix E. Heersink SOM Ashlyn Kinard – U of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth April Lewis – SLU SOM […]
The Nelson Society hosted their second annual Resident Career Day on February 21, 2024. This dedicated event provided residents with valuable insights and guidance regarding their future careers. The day consisted of a special grand rounds guest speaker, Dr. William Leininger, Naval Medical Center, San Diego. Next were presentations from Alumni member, Dr. Jeffery Mormol […]
Residents may now submit their applications for the David G. Mutch Residency Research Scholarship. This scholarship was generously started by David G. Mutch, MD, the Ira C. and Judith Gall Professor, in partnership with the Nelson Alumni Society to support and enhance the scholarly research activity of residents. The scholarship will give two $1,000 awards, twice per academic […]
July 25, 2023 – During this upcoming academic year, the residency leadership team is growing in accordance with ACGME guidelines given the increased development of our residency program. After an open call for applications and an interview process, we are excited to announce that Dr. Ashley Veade was selected as our next Associate Residency Program Director! She will […]
Dr. Melissa (Missy) Cantave was awarded a Distinguished Service Teaching Award for PGY4 Diversity. Dr. Amanda Zofkie was named Clinical Educator of the Year.
We said goodbye to residents, welcome some back as fellows, and introduced a whole new team of interns! Read about the awardees below. Our Rothman Research Symposium is comprised of 2 half days where our residents, fellows, and basic science trainees present their OBGYN-related research projects which they have diligently worked on for a long […]
We are so excited to welcome our new interns! Welcome to Washington University School of Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology! We are happy you’re here. Emma Altieri – University of California – IrvineKatie Brow – Virginia Tech Carilion School of MedicineCat Burns – Indiana UniversityKatie Carbonell – Washington UniversitySarah Cohen – WashUKatie Howard – Medical College of Georgia at Augusta UniversityAli Houston-Ludlam – […]
Our faculty attended Washington University in St. Louis’ Medical School Graduation. We welcomed new faces into the WashU Community, and even welcomed a couple of our new residents joining us in June!
Chief Resident, and future MFM fellow, Dr. Drew Hensel, was the first resident to receive the “Friends of Nursing” Award since 2013. We are so proud of Dr. Hensel!
✨ We are absolutely thrilled to welcome this new intern class of 2027! ✨ Emma Altieri Katherine Brow Catherine Burns Katherine Carbonell Sarah Cohen Laura Granger-Howard Alexandra Houston-Ludlum Ngantu Le Allison Whorton Congrats to the WashU Med students who matched into ObGyn! Thank you to all our advisors, letter writers, and teachers who inspired these […]
Last night, residents, students, and attendings gathered to view Michelle Alexander speak in regard to her book, The New Jim Crow, and race in America today. Delicious Ethiopian food catered by Meskerem was enjoyed! When asked about what keeps her hopeful, Alexander admitted that it’s hard to always be hopeful. But she has witnessed small […]
This Feb/Mar MO American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is focusing on period poverty. Period poverty refers to the inability to afford period products (pads/tampons/cups). About 40% of US people with uteruses struggle with period poverty, causing about 1/3 of low-income people with uteruses to miss work or school due to the lack of access to […]
On Wednesday, February 15, the Michael D. Nelson Alumni Society hosted the first annual Residency Career Day! The residents were able to hear from many of our community physicians, starting with presentations from Dr. Makeba Williams, who spoke on career values as a physician. Dr. Diana Gray** spoke on the various academic tracks an ObGyn can […]
Meet our 2023 – 2024 chief administrative residents! They were all voted on amongst their peers. They are critical to the success of our team as they take on a huge leadership role in the program. Congrats to Dr. Caroline Min, Dr. Erika Mauban, and Dr. Elizabeth Buckley!
A part of the residency crew were excited to get their own copies signed!
November 16, 2022 was our Annual PGY-2 Research Retreat. We talked study design, mentorship, data analysis, IRB, instit and dept resources, scientific presentations, & had a fun interactive career panel discussion
A big thanks to the “Feurstein Wellness grant” for sponsoring our October event! Attendance was opened to the first 21 residents (of all different specialties!) to sign up for a private 1-hour barre class followed by 1-hour of social time with snacks provided. “It was a wonderful time!” – Dr. Erika Mauban, PGY-3 resident.
“We wanted to send a huge thank you to everyone who attended our resident-fellow mixer last night (significant others, small humans, and furry friends included!)! It was really great to spend some time getting to know all the amazing people we have in our trainee cohort outside the hospital. Stay tuned for more events, since […]
Congrats to our Chiefs on their Fellowship Match! Tamara Cameo, MD – MIGS– Ichan School of Medicine/Mt. Sinai Whitney Grither, MD, PhD – Gyn Onc—Washington University Drew Hensel, MD – MFM—Washington University Alison Kosmacki, MD – MIGS—Washington University Lauren Kus, MD – Complex Family Planning– Ichan School of Medicine/Mt. Sinai Mark Valentine, MD, PhD – Gyn Onc—Washington University Elise Wilson, MD – Gyn Onc – UC San Diego
Doximity created a list of the best ObGyn residency programs…and we are #10!! We couldn’t have accomplished this without our outstanding education and faculty team.
Registration closes at NOON on August 11th. A calendar invite with Zoom login information will be sent to you by 2:00 pm on the 11th. –
Read all about them with this link!
After planning this transition for the past year, we are excited to formally announce that Dr. Shelby Dickison will assume the role of Residency Program Director starting on June 1, 2022. Since joining the residency leadership team in 2019 as Associate Program Director, Dr. Dickison has been instrumental in the continued advancement of the program. […]