WashU’s renowned Gynecologic Oncology team is committed to providing patients first-rate clinical care supported by cutting-edge research.

Our basic science research focuses on understanding the molecular, epigenetic and, metabolic mechanisms that underlie tumorigenesis and metastasis of gynecological cancers, leading to discoveries that propel potential clinical breakthroughs in prevention and treatment. Our patients have access to new and promising clinical trials overseen by an expert and caring multidisciplinary team and we aim toward personalized precision medicine for the cancer treatment.

Explore our research

Clinical research:
Siteman Cancer Center trials

Basic science studies:
Research projects

Core facilities:
Gynecologic Oncology Tissue Bank (GOTB)

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Research milestones


Investigators in gynecologic oncology include faculty members in the Department of Ob/Gyn’s Division of Gynecologic OncologyDivision of Clinical Research and Center for Reproductive Health Sciences.

Dineo Khabele, MD

Dineo Khabele, MD

Chair, Department of Ob/Gyn
Mitchell & Elaine Yanow Professor

Division: Gynecologic Oncology

Admin; Tanja Wilson

Lindsay M Kuroki, MD, MSCI

Lindsay M Kuroki, MD, MSCI

Associate Division Director, Gynecologic Oncology
Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn
Associate Fellowship Director, Gynecologic Oncology

Division: Gynecologic Oncology

WashU Profile

Admin; Hannah Struckhoff

L. Stewart Massad Jr., MD

L. Stewart Massad Jr., MD

Professor, Ob/Gyn
Associate Fellowship Director, Gynecologic Oncology

Division: Gynecologic Oncology

Admin; Lucy Cruse

Carolyn McCourt, MD

Carolyn McCourt, MD

Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn
Fellowship Director, Gynecologic Oncology

Division: Gynecologic Oncology

Admin; Whitney Dunker

Maggie Mullen, MD, MSCI

Maggie Mullen, MD, MSCI

Assistant Professor, OBGYN
Gynecologic Oncology

Brooke Sanders, MD

Brooke Sanders, MD

Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Division of Gynecologic Oncology

Division: Gynecologic Oncology

Admin; Hannah Struckhoff

Premal H. Thaker, MD, MS

Premal H. Thaker, MD, MS

Interim Chief, Gynecologic Oncology
David & Lynn Mutch Distinguished Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Director of Gynecologic Oncology Clinical Research

Division: Gynecologic Oncology

Admin; Whitney Dunker

See all Department of Ob/Gyn areas of research »