Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
WashU Medicine
Chair: Dineo Khabele, MD

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Ali Ahmady, PhD, HCLD

Ali Ahmady, PhD, HCLD

Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Lab Director, REI

Alexis Allihien, MD

Alexis Allihien, MD


Graduates 6.30.26

Emma Altieri, MD

Emma Altieri, MD


Graduates 6.30.27

Farners Amargant i Riera, PhD

Farners Amargant i Riera, PhD

Assistant Professor, ObGyn

Monica Anderson

Monica Anderson

Director Clinical Operations

McKenzie Barber, MD

McKenzie Barber, MD


Graduates 6.30.26

Elise C Bardawil, MD

Elise C Bardawil, MD

Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn
Interim Division Chief

Division: Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery

Admin; Cynthia Munson

Shannon Beermann, MD

Shannon Beermann, MD

Clinical Fellow, Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Began Fellowship 8.1.2024
Graduates 7.31.2027

Basia Blachut, MD

Basia Blachut, MD

Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn

Division: Academic Specialists of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Admin; Brenda Sellars

Katherine Bligard, MD, MA

Katherine Bligard, MD, MA

Assistant Professor, OBGYN
Associate Director, Fetal Care Center

Division: Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Admin; Erin Moore

Joshua Brill, MD

Joshua Brill, MD

Clinical Fellow, Gynecologic Oncology

Began Fellowship 8.1.2024
Graduates 7.31.2027

Katie Brow, MD, MPH

Katie Brow, MD, MPH


Graduates 6.30.27

Julia Burd, MD

Julia Burd, MD

Clinical Fellow, Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Began Fellowship 7.7.2022
Graduates 6.30.25

Cat Burns, MD, BA

Cat Burns, MD, BA


Graduates 6.30.27

Heather Campbell, MD

Heather Campbell, MD

Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal Fetal Medicine

AdminJami Girard

Katie Carbonell, MD

Katie Carbonell, MD


Graduates 6.30.27

Tina Caruso

Tina Caruso

Executive Director Business Affairs

Aneesh Chawla, MD, MS

Aneesh Chawla, MD, MS

Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn

Division: Academic Specialists of Obstetrics & Gynecology
India​ Claflin, MD

India​ Claflin, MD


Graduates 6.30.2028

Sarah Cohen, MD, MPH

Sarah Cohen, MD, MPH


Graduates 6.30.27