Universitywide effort aims to bring WashU to the world (Links to an external site)

“As a new academic year begins, Washington University in St. Louis is unveiling a new visual identity and an enhanced effort to communicate its important contributions in the areas of education, research and patient care to key internal and external audiences. The update includes a new university logo and website and the official adoption of […]

Dr. Bligard on NBC Nightly News: “Concerns for pregnant women as CDC warns of rise in parvovirus” (Links to an external site)

“In recent years, parvovirus infected about 3% of Americans. Now the number has tripled. NBC News’ Anne Thompson speaks to a patient who contracted the virus this spring. Thirty weeks pregnant and in the hospital, she’s dealing with serious complications including her placenta not pushing enough blood to bring her son critical oxygen and nutrients.”

Dr. Mullen lab awarded Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Fund (Links to an external site)

The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation has named six new Damon Runyon Clinical Investigators. The recipients of this prestigious award are outstanding, early-career physician-scientists conducting patient-oriented cancer research at major research centers under the mentorship of the nation’s leading scientists and clinicians. Mary M. Mullen, MD, with mentors Dineo Khabele, MD, and Nima Mosammaparast, MD, […]

Dr. Raghuraman & Dr. Frolova Awarded R01 Grant

Dr. Nandini Raghuraman and Dr. Toni Frolova awarded multi-PI R01 studying uterine contractility in labor. The team will be awarded 2.7 million over 5 years for a clinical and translation study investigating how oxytocin should be dosed and how the uterusshould contract in response to oxytocin during induction of labor. Congrats!

Dr. Williams in Women’s Health Magazine (Links to an external site)

“Menopause mirrors what was happening to you at the beginning of your reproductive life,” says Makeba Williams, MD, associate professor and vice chair for professional development and wellness in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Instead of getting their periods, women are getting hot flashes. Sometimes, […]

Dr. Whelan Nominated for BEE Award

Dr. Victoria Whelan was nominated for a BEE Award for her extraordinary compassion and skill for a patient to recognize her service. This is a reflection of how team members can enrich the patient experience. Patient Story Dr. Whelan has been hands down the best healthcare provider I have ever had. Dr. Whelan is the […]

2024 Fellowship Graduation

The summer marks the academic year where we welcomed some to our faculty and said goodbye to others. We had an amazing group, and we cannot wait to see where they go! Congrats to our graduates. Gynecologic Oncology: Dr. Alexander Cohen and Dr. Tyler Woodard Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility: Dr. Emily Spurlin Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Dr. […]

Gomez-Lopez receives award to study pregnancy complications (Links to an external site)

Nardhy Gomez-Lopez, PhD, a professor of obstetrics & gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has received a four-year, $500,000 award from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund to further research into the immunobiology of the maternal-fetal interface and identify biomarkers to predict preterm labor and birth. One in 10 babies is born prematurely and, in many cases, […]

2024 Resident Graduation & Rothman Research Winners

Our Graduates Awards Dr. David Rothman Research Project The Rothman Research Symposium is a day where trainees present their OBGYN-related research projects. These presentations are evaluated by a distinguished panel of our own select faculty and guest speaker.            Resident Winner: Melissa Cantave            Topic: Examining the impact of a safety net minimally invasive gynecology surgery clinic             Fellow […]

Dr. Khabele to Speak at Juneteenth Celebration

Please join in a  Juneteenth Celebration on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 12 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in Frick Forum in Knight and Bauer Hall at Olin Business School on the Danforth Campus. Join colleagues for food, music and to hear from WashU faculty and staff about their research, work and projects as they connect to the […]

ADHD meds may help pregnant patients control opioid use disorder (Links to an external site)

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that pregnant people who took ADHD medications while also being treated for opioid use disorder continued to take medication to address their opioid use disorder about two months longer than patients who stopped taking ADHD medications. These patients also required fewer emergency room visits […]

New Resident Welcome for 2024 Interns

New residents gathered to meet other residents, faculty, and the residency team over the weekend to start their first week as WashU ObGyn interns! We are so excited to have you all join us.

L.A.B. Award Winners – Spring 2024

Congratulations to the latest recipients of the Department of OB/GYN’s Lucy, Anarcha, and Betsey (L.A.B.) Award named in honor of Lucy, Anarcha, and Betsey—the enslaved women whose sacrifice, without consent, nearly 200 years ago allows surgical repair for women with vesicovaginal fistulas today. Brittani Steinberg, MDProject: “Cervical Cancer Screening Preferences in Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Diverse Patients” Mentor: Jennifer Reeves, MD, […]

Dr. Dineo Khabele on The Black Maternal Health Crisis with NinePBS

The CDC says the Black maternal health crisis is a state of emergency. Black mothers in Missouri are three times as likely to die within a year of giving birth compared to white mothers, according to the state’s Department of Health & Senior Services. Host Carol Daniel, Listen, St. Louis with Carol Daniel Nine PBS, […]

2024 Advanced Research Retreat

This week, the Advanced Clinical Research Retreat kicked off for fellows, grad students, and post-docs!

R1 Research Retreat

Interns teamed up with our research team for a day dedicated to research and fellowship!

Residents & Fellows present at STL OBGYN Society

A look into the STL OBGYN society meeting! Residents and fellows presented (Dr. Brittani Steinberg, Dr. Halley Staples, Dr. Courtney Murphy, Dr. Mark Valentine). Dr. Steinberg won first place and Dr. Staples won second place!  Congrats to all!

Register for Families Run for Ovarian Cancer ROC Star 5k & 1-Mile Run/Walk

FamiliesROC Registration is Open! Today, May 8th, is World Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day. A day to raise awareness of the disease, support survivors, and honor those lost too soon.  Today registration for the 18th annual Families Run for Ovarian Cancer ROC Star 5k & 1-Mile Run/ Walk opens as well. We hope you will consider […]

Debbie Frank was awarded the Research Support Award

Debbie Frank joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology as the Scientific Editor in 2012 and was promoted to Senior Scientific Editor in 2021. In this role, she helps faculty members, medical fellows, residents, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students prepare research manuscripts, grant proposals, and fellowship applications. Debbie’s primary goal is to facilitate clear and […]

PedsGyn Goes to Girls on the Run St Louis 5k

Our Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Gynecology division was able to celebrate young girls in the St. Louis area with the 5k they have all been training for with Girls on the Run. It was an excellent event with thousands of participants. They were so excited to interact with the community they get to work […]

Viju Gupta, PhD & Audrey Johnston, MBA graduated from the Emerging Leaders Program

Viju Gupta, PhD and Audrey Johnston, MBA from the Center for Reproductive Health Sciences celebrated their graduation as two of only 30 WashU staff members in the inaugural cohort of the Emerging Leaders Program, sponsored by the Institute for Leadership Excellence. This is a 9-month, competitive program for WashU Staff members who manage individual contributors […]

CRepHS at Immunology 2024

The Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists (Immunology 2024) was held in Chicago, Illinois! From our team, Dr. Nardhy Gomez-Lopez, Dustyn Levenson, and Valeria Garcia-Flores!

2024 Rothman Research Day

Our annual Rothman Research Day is a day each year where residents and fellows gather to present their research for the day. With the strong tradition of biomedical research at Washington University, we integrate research training throughout the residency help our residents master basic concepts of research. At the beginning of the PGY-2 year, residents […]

OB Ultrasound Recognized with 5-Star Award

The OB Ultrasound Clinic at Washington University has been honored with the esteemed five-star PRC Excellence Award by Barnes Patient Satisfaction Experience Team. This recognition is awarded to clinics that excel in patient satisfaction and is given to those who score among the top 10% nationally. The OB Ultrasound Clinic achieved this accolade through outstanding […]

DEIA Committee Book Club

Join the DEIA Committee for book Club! They will be reading “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” – When: Sunday, May 26th, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Where: The Drip Coffee Shop @ STL Public Library

2024 SLOCA Living Out Loud Gala

St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness (SLOCA) held their annual Living Out Loud Gala. What a great event with great physicians!

Dr. Wood on Houston Fox 26

Dr. Sara Wood speaks with Houston Fox 26 about the benefits of bladder botox, insurance coverage, what an office visit looks like, and more.

Education team visits WUSM fair

The Education team got together on the WUSM campus to meet medical students and educate them on what WashU ObGyn is all about! The team included coordinators Kim Coombs & Rayna Mittler, Dr. Tammy Sonn, and Education Manager, Elizabeth Wanken.

Dickson, Khabele, Longmore elected to Association of American Physicians (Links to an external site)

Three physician-scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have been newly elected to the Association of American Physicians. Membership in the organization is an honor bestowed on physicians who lead innovative scientific research to improve health care. Khabele, the Mitchell & Elaine Yanow Professor and head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, […]

Dr. Whorton and Dr. Sharifi awarded Accolade

Residents Dr. Allison Whorton and Dr. Mitra Sharifi were awarded an accolade for contributing to a positive learning environment. Both awards were reported under WashU’s Med’s SAFE reporting. Washington University School of Medicine strives to maintain an environment conducive to learning, research, and high-quality patient care. We aspire to an environment that is inclusive and […]

Dr. Eisenberg on Fox2 on the first daily contraceptive pill for over-the-counter purchase

“The FDA has approved the first daily contraceptive pill for over-the-counter sale, enhancing access to pregnancy prevention options. Dr. David Eisenberg, Chief Division of Complex Family Planning at Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital, talks about new developments in over-the-counter birth control. Dr. Eisenberg says that the pill, containing an ingredient used in birth control since […]

Kaci Martin receives the Rosalind Kornfeld Student Leadership Award

PhD student Kaci Martin from the Frolova lab received the Rosalind Kornfeld Student Leadership Award from the Academic Women’s Network last week. This award is given to a graduate or medical student that has demonstrated outstanding leadership in service to, or advancement of women within the community. Our Department Chair, Dr. Dineo Khabele, was there […]

CRepHS takes home two awards

Awards Galore! PhD student Kaci Martin from the Frolova lab received two awards from the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences last week – the Student Group Member of the Year Award and the Excellence in Research Award. If that wasn’t enough, Kaci’s PI, Assistant Professor Antonina Frolova, MD, PhD received the Outstanding Faculty Mentor. […]

CRepHS hosts first-ever game table tournament

The Center for Reproductive Health Sciences recently hosted its first Game Table Tournament! Thanks to the Wellness Champion Fund from HR, the CRepHS breakroom received a combination game table complete with ping pong, foosball, and air hockey. We then pitted lab-mates and faculty against one another in an epic event! Please congratulate our champions! – […]

DEIA Committee celebrates Women’s History Month

Women’s HERstory Month started in 1980 when a consortium of women’s groups and historians (National Women’s History Project, now National Women’s History Alliance, advocated for a week long celebration, which President Jimmy Carter issued a Presidential Proclamation for. It wasn’t until 1987 that Congress passed Public Law 100-9, officially designating March as “Women’s History Month”. […]


The Center for Reproductive Health Sciences was well represented this week at the 29th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, hosted by the Washington University in St. Louis Graduate Student Senate on the Danforth Campus. From left to right: Postdoctoral Research Associates Juan Ferreira, PhD (Santi Lab) and Sara Pietroforte, PhD (Amargant i Riera Lab) participated as […]

Dr. Whitney Grither receives ORCA Mentored Investigator Grant

Dr. Whitney Grither received an ORCA Mentored Investigator Grant! The Mentored Investigator Grant provides funding for trainees (post-doctoral fellows or clinical fellows) who are working under the supervision of a mentor who is a recognized leader in the field of ovarian cancer research. Applicants must have an MD or a PhD degree. The grant provides […]

Dr. Mullen awarded with Foundation for Women’s Cancer Move4Her Research Grant

Maggie Mullen, MD, MSCI awarded the Foundation for Women’s Cancer Move4Her Research Grant! “It is an absolute honor to be supported by the Move4Her participants and the Foundation for Women’s Cancer. Thanks to this award we will be able to pursue groundbreaking research that has the potential to improve the lives of women with ovarian […]

Join 8Ways to Wellness Walk Challenge

8ight Ways to Wellness is the framework that guides all of the programs and resources offered through WashU Human Resources Employee Well-Being. This challenge is an opportunity to learn about these evidence-based strategies to improve your overall wellbeing and reduce your risk of disease. Developed by WashU faculty, Dr. Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH, the 8ight […]

Dr. Mutch & Dr. Powell were awarded at SGO

SGO/FWC Service Award “I am truly honored to receive the SGO Service Award. It has been my pleasure to serve the SGO and its mission. I hope to continue to support the SGO and its efforts to prevent andcare for women’s cancers. Thank you for this honor.” David Mutch, MD 2024 Annual Meeting Presidential Abstract […]

Gomez-Lopez lab trainee receives a 2024 AAI Trainee Abstract Award

MD/PhD student Dustyn Levenson in the Gomez-Lopez Lab was selected to present her work in a Block Symposium at “Immunology2024,” the annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists (AAI), and will receive a 2024 AAI Trainee Abstract Award. We are incredibly proud of her hard work! Congratulations, Dustyn! #AAI2024

The Marathon of Medicine: What sports teach us about resiliency, recovery, and how to avoid being benched

WashU Medicine OBGYN’s Discuss the Importance of Addressing RED-S in Adolescents and Professionals Dr. Andrea Hagemann, Gynecologic Oncologist, led a discussion with Dr. Dineo Khabele, Gynecologic Oncologist, and Dr. Maggie Dwiggins, Pediatric Gynecologist, who shared valuable insights into the importance of recognizing and addressing Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) in both adolescent athletes and […]

Phase 2 Medical Student Work with Dignity Period

Phase 2 medical students stuffing 1000 period kits for non-profit Dignity Period. Dignity Period’s mission: “To impact period poverty around the globe by improving access to accurate menstrual information and distributing high quality washable/reusable menstrual hygiene products. We are motivated by the belief that those who menstruate should do so with comfort and in dignity.” […]

DEIA Committee Celebrates Black History Month

The following information was curated by: Dr. Halley Staples (bio), DEIA Committee. Alexa Irene Canady, MD (1950 – present)  Alexa Irene Canady was born in Michigan in 1950, where she ultimately attended University of Michigan and received a B.S. in zoology. Prior to her graduation, Canady nearly dropped out due to lack of self-confidence, however, […]